Wednesday, April 18, 2018

in an ideal world

A few days ago, someone told me that my cat needed to have her insulin shot at exactly 9am, because "ideally, we like to have her here exactly six hours after her shot" but I could not get to the vet's office at exactly 3pm. Life--real life, not ideal life--made that impossible. Could I give her the shot a half hour later? No, because "ideally we like to keep it consistent." Well, newsflash! this is not an ideal world. Sometimes my husband or I have a doctor's appointment that makes EXACTLY nine o'clock cat insulin time impossible. So she gets it half an hour earlier, so we can get to OUR appointments. We do not live in a hospital with nursing staff, doctors, techs, etc., running around keeping IDEAL schedules. 
In my almost 80 years in THIS world, I cannot remember a single solitary ideal day. There have always been wars or famines or hurricanes or earthquakes or starving people, or cats missing their precise insulin times. 
This is not an ideal world, unfortunately. The cat got her shot fifteen minutes late and got to the vet fifteen minutes early. Somehow she survived.

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