Monday, August 19, 2019

writing and hot-desking

Writing. What's that? I mean the writing of novels and things. I'd be delighted to come up with a short story, or even an article. A poem? Well, I have been working on that autobiography, If Anyone Should Ask. In fact, I'm into Decade 6. I still can't face that novel that got fried in its thumb drive. Haven't looked at it in months. That really hurt! However, maybe I can get the autobiography finished and edited and printed and distributed--hopefully by the end of the year. Hope!

Hot desking works well for me. I have a routine now, sort of. I've reserved the desk I used to have for Mondays and Fridays. I still don't come in early enough. But I do what I can while I'm here, and that's a lot more than I'd get done if I stayed home or tried the library/coffee shop routine some writers do. That would never work for me. I have to have a place I'm paying for and that I can use for the purpose of writing alone. If I want to go to Blenz for a coffee, or to Tugs for lunch, I can leave my work on the desk and go out for an hour. Or I can bring something to eat at my desk. No one bothers me. But there are people here if I feel the need for company--that rarely happens.

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