Thursday, January 20, 2011

UBC Farm 3

The main task of the morning was to select about twenty vegetables they wanted in their garden. It was important first of all, to establish where north was, so the tall plants would go there and not block out the sun that would come mainly from the south.  There was also the issue of the good and bad companions, and economy of space.  For the latter consideration, the children arranged the rows of roots to alternate with rows of leafy vegetables.  Plants that would not mature until late in the season were best at one end of the garden so as not to be in the way of weeding, harvesting and replanting throughout the spring. And those that tended to spread out, such as pumpkins or cucumbers should have corners to allow them to expand as they needed.  Using a large piece of white graph paper, and strips of coloured paper (1" width of paper= 4" width of garden row) the children mapped out their garden bed.  (The colours corresponded to the type of vegetable: red=roots; orange=squash; yellow=onion; green=leafy; blue=cabbage; black=legumes; white=herbs; pink=flowers.)  This is how their map turned out.

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