Friday, August 17, 2018

never before!

I've never done this before. A couple of nights ago, I took the book I was reading aloud to my husband (he's legally blind) and walked over to the garbage can and tossed it in. I threw out a book in perfectly good physical condition. I can't believe I did that. But I just couldn't bring myself to read another word. The book is called The Bishop and the Three Kings, (Blackie Ryan #10) by Andrew M. Greeley. on goodreads it is rated 4 out of 5, so there's obviously something wrong with me. I just could not tolerate the writing. First, there are pages and pages of info-dump--stuff about the history of Cologne, and about the Three Magi (3 kings in the Nativity story in the Gospel of Matthew). That was bad enough, then there was that 1st person chapter told by Peter, Blackie's "nefoo"--more about that in a moment. That chapter, a young man/boy/whatever who has to finish writing his term paper, but is ogling a girl, wondering what she's like without her shirt on. Did we really need that? It's supposed to be a story about a Roman Catholic bishop visiting Germany to solve a mystery. It's written by Andrew M. Greeley, Father Andrew, a Roman Catholic priest.
Now about that "nefoo". Greeley goes on and on in his preface or foreword or whatever it is he felt the need to write before actually starting the story, about Appalachian English. I won't say it isn't a viable study for linguistics students (my B.A. is in linguistics, but I wouldn't waste my time on Appalachian English--for one thing, I didn't see much that was actually original. Many of the expressions are in common usage.) My complaint is the need to call decent people "no-count varmints"--no, it isn't funny, imho). But one of the characters is a "hill-billy" (is that PC?) and she talks like that most of the time.  Okay. If that's her way of speaking, but Greeley has the other characters--Blackie and Peter (the nefoo) dropping into it.  Everyone is a no-count varmint and all questions are answered "shonuff".  I absolutely could not read the book.
Into the garbage it went, and I picked up a much superior book to read, also rated 4 out of 5 on goodreads, Monday the Rabbi Took Off (The Rabbi Small Mysteries #4) by Harry Kemelman, swapping a bishop for a rabbi. (I'm Christian, by the way, but love Jewish culture.)

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