Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Civic Duty

This morning, Frank and I went to City Hall and voted. Election Day isn't actually until the 20th, but as George Burns once said, at our age you don't go out and buy green bananas. Besides, it's nice to get it done. Today was the first Advance Polling Day, and we were there about noon. First, we had to register because we've been in Penticton for only two and a half years. Then, because Frank can't see well enough to read and mark a ballot, I had to be sworn in as his assistant. The two of us went into the polling booth together. We'd already gone over the list of all the candidates before leaving the house, and I had a written list of our choices.
It was mostly my input because, although he'd been to the School Board and Mayoral candidates' sessions put on at the Lakeside Resort by the Penticton Herald, he had not been able to attend the session for the city councillors. I went to all of the sessions, plus last night (4pm to 9pm), to chat one-on-one with the candidates before the mayoral debate. So I'm feeling pretty familiar with them all and their abilities, experience, and their interests. When Frank and I discussed it, we came to a consensus about our choices and that's how we both voted.
It'll be interesting to see if our choices get in.

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