Tuesday, November 13, 2018

a backward step

A backward step to say the least! On the 8th of this month, less than a week ago, I put my thumb-drive in place and called up the novel I've been working on for ...how many years?... And guess what. It's gone. Wiped out. Nothing but computer language, upside down question marks, etc.. Try to call it up based on most recent date--page doesn't exist. "Maybe moved or deleted," says the message. I have a lot of it printed out, but not all of it. A year ago I paid an editor $1600 for an evaluation--I still have that, at least. Now I'm so discouraged, I don't know what to do.  At my age (80), I am not even sure I care to continue. Is it worth it after all?

While I ponder that question, I'll go back to writing my autobiography. I'll let you know my decision about the trilogy I'm halfway through--backward steps notwithstanding--or maybe I should just quit.

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