Monday, May 11, 2009

scbwi spring event 2009

Ken is doing a great job as the new Regional Advisor for SCBWI/Western Canada. I have to pat myself on the back for choosing him, and thank him for taking on the job. Saturday last, he put on a really terrific convention. Our previous events have always been only from 10am until 3pm, cost about $30, and had a couple of speakers. This one was from 9am till 5pm, had 5 speakers and cost about $75. Soon, maybe we can bump it up to 3 days and more speakers. He also has other events downtown that I haven't seen but hear they're really good, as well as the monthly critique groups at his home. Wow! Great work, Ken!
I did get to the Saturday event and found it very helpful. The editors who were speakers there were Kalley George of Simply Read Books, Crystal Stronoghan of Gumboot Books, David Stephens of Tradewind Books, Alison Acheson of Coteau Books and an instructor at UBC teaching writing of children's literature, I believe, and Jared Hunt of Gumboot Books. Each speaker covered a specific area. While the talks were going on, these editors also did one-on-one critiquing with participants who had submitted work in advance. Unfortunately I wasn't well enough organized to take advantage of this service. Next time!

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