Thursday, December 1, 2011

advice 13

Hyatt promised a "baker's dozen" items to blog about, so here's the last one:  Blog about lessons learned along the journey to publication & success as a novelist.  What have I learned about writing?  about publishing? marketing?  about myself? 
About writing:  so many books have been written on this subject alone, I can hardly do justice to it--even just what I've learned.  I started writing when I was very young, and learned from many people and books and courses and attempts and critique groups and conferences, etc., etc., etc.  The most important piece of advice I could offer is that learning to write as a professional requires study and practice.  Margaret Atwood was quoted as responding to someone who commented that he thought he would take up writing when he retired.  She said she thought that when she retired she'd take up brain surgery.  Professional writers are exactly that: professional--and didn't get there by thinking it was a hobby.
What have I learned about publishing?  Not enough.  It seems to change faster than the weather.  Same goes for marketing.  I just wish I had something to market.
About myself?  I have more stamina than I thought.  I am willing to learn and to work.  I can't quit!  I guess I'm addicted, but it's the best addiction there is because it hurts no one--not even myself.

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