Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday morning

This was a morning with the grade fives at UBC farm. We observed the farm bed, checked soil temperature and compared it with the air temperature (not much difference today), both around 3 degrees. We pulled a few weeds and checked the wireworm trap. No wireworms in the trap! Maybe it wasn't deep enough. Then, our chore was to shift soil from compost box #2 to #3 and from #1 to #2. #1 is "give" new materials; #2 is compost in progress; #3 is "take" completed compost. After that, we made compostable pots for the kids to plant snow peas and take to school. Then there was a lesson on how to test pH ratings. We had a yogurt cup of soil from our farm bed. We tested it with two different measuring devices. One didn't work at all, the other one showed that our pH was about 5, I think. On a scale of 1 to 14, that means it's mildly acidic. Next farm meeting, I guess we'll learn what to do with that information. Being that all this farming is 100% organic, we won't be just adding some commercial chemical to sweeten the soil, if that's what it needs. After the lesson, we were served soup made from potatoes, leaks and garlic from the gardens, and flatbread--don't know what they used for that. It was all delicious, whatever it was.

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